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YIVO Welcomes Two New Board Members


YIVO is delighted to announce the addition of Warren Stern and Deborah Veach to its Board of Directors. These additions reflect the unprecedented growth YIVO has seen since the beginning of the pandemic.

Little-Known Work of Sholem Aleichem Translated into English for the First Time


Join Curt Leviant, in conversation with Dvora Reich, about Sholem Aleichem and his newly re-discovered novel Moshkeleh Ganev.

YIVO Commemorates the Jewish Community of Vilna


YIVO commemorates the Jewish community of Vilna – the birth place of YIVO – through poetry and song.

Jewish Children's Literature in Russian and Yiddish


On June 22nd YIVO presented a Zoom webinar in collaboration with The Bodleian Library of Oxford to discuss Yiddish, Russian, and Hebrew children's literature, and to showcase some of the handsomely illustrated books in our respective collections.

Yiddish Civilization Lecture Series


YIVO’s Yiddish Civilization Lecture Series, which completed its third season this past summer, provides an opportunity for Summer Program students and audience members alike to immerse themselves in Yiddish civilization, and practice their Yiddish too.

Remote Reference Sessions


In April 2021, after a long year-plus with little to no outside access to the YIVO Archives, we launched a new pilot program. Researchers can book appointments to meet with a YIVO archivist to remotely view materials and discuss their needs. This way, no matter where you are in the world, you can have access to our collections.

Images of Exile: The Jacob Ross Papers


YIVO recently received a collection of rare photographs taken by Jacob Rosofsky/Reshefsky, secretary of the (illegal) Bund in Moyzr, who was sentenced to exile in Archangelsk from 1903-1905.

Reboot: How My Time in the YIVO Archives Led to the What Would You Bring? Campaign


Juliet Simmons reflects on her time in the YIVO Archives and how it led to Reboot’s What Would You Bring? oral history project, which asks people to stand in the shoes of refugees and to consider what they would choose to bring with them if they were forced to flee their homes.

Uriel Weinreich Summer Program Testimonial: Masha Shollar ‘21


Masha Shollar talks about her experience in this year's Summer Program and what drew her to Yiddish literature and language.

Uriel Weinreich Summer Program Testimonial: Gelya Frank ‘21


Gelya Frank talks about her experience in this year's Summer Program and how it helped her reconnect to her Jewish identity.